Why Doesn’t God Stop Evil?

I just wanted to share this.

Someone asked a question on a group on Facebook:
“Why can’t God stop evil? I think I have a good grasp for the answer but I want to know from people who might know better. The question alone implies that there are evil acts happening around the world, why can’t God just stop them?”

I answered:
“God could stop us everytime we chose to do evil, but that would be a world in which there is absolutely no freedom, and we would merely be automatons, and God would be a tyrant. We would be merely puppets controlled in everything we do, by a totalitarian God. God doesn’t want to be a totalitarian or a tyrant, and although it pains Him to see us reject Him, and do evil to Himself and to each other, He wants us to be free, and to choose to love and to do good out of our own freedom, and not because He forces us to.”

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