“The Electric Chair” by Eric Lee Brumley – a Music Album Review


by Joshua R Packard My friend Eric Lee Bumley asked me back in December of 2023 if I could listen to his upcoming music album and write something about it.  I was a little nervous but I said I could do that.  One reason for my nervousness is that I don't really know a whole … Continue reading “The Electric Chair” by Eric Lee Brumley – a Music Album Review

Autism Difficulties: A Writing Assignment

This is from a writing assignment I am working on with my therapist. 1 - Write about 2 pages   A - Something you learned about a challenge people with Autism Spectrum Disorder face   B - How you have experienced this challenge personally - Provide at least one specific story   C - What skills, behaviors, approaches you have used … Continue reading Autism Difficulties: A Writing Assignment