Homeless Veterans… Why?

Why is the term “homeless veterans” even in our American vocabulary?

This is the question I want to bring to your attention.  I don’t claim to have the answer to this, but I want to bring it to your attention.  A quick Google search reports that 23% of all homeless and 33% of all homeless men are veterans, and that means about 529,000 to 840,000 veterans are homeless during any year.

What are the reasons for this?  Is there any good reason?  I just want to bring attention to this problem, and maybe stir some of you up to seek out ways to remedy this appalling fact.  People who have signed up to defend this nation, its people, and freedoms are living on the streets in winter.  I will write about this more in the future.  I plan to explore and delve into the different factors that cause veterans to be homeless, what resources are needed, ways that we can support and assist homeless veterans, and strive to create a situation where the term “homeless veterans” shall become a long forgotten archaism, tantamount to something in the original Beowulf poem.

I encourage you to pray for our veterans, those with shelter and those without.  Pray for their families and the people who support them socially.  Homeless veterans need physical shelter, but also need social support, friends and family.  Please pray for mental health and spiritual healing for veterans who have endured not just the physical strain of war and combat, but the invisible wounds of trauma, sacrifice, and loss.  I will try to address such issues as military mental health, and direct to people, organizations, and resources that specialize in such matters.

But i just wanted to introduce this subject, and begin to research, discuss, and write about this issue of veteran homelessness.  That any American should be homeless is a tragedy.  That our veterans, who have fought and served, and been prepared to defend our nation and people, and put their own lives and well being on the line, that any of them should be without a home, that is a travesty, and needs to be resolved as a priority.  And by focusing on and working to remedy the issues involved in veteran homelessness, I think the tools , principles, and solutions garnered up, those victories can be applied to almost any other problem applicable to homelessness.

So, I just wanted to bring this subject to your attention, make it a subject of your thoughts, your charity, your prayer, and your discussion.  More will follow on this website.

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